Whether by hot-rodding, experimentation, or repair of necessity, many Tin Sandwich jockeys will find themselves swapping elements in their harpmics.
Whatever else you might want to achieve or yield by undertaking this task, TWO major points need to be emphasized: 1) The element needs to be mounted in the shell / grill of the candidate mic in a manner that seals it in place, isolates it from impact shock, and clearly separates the "front" space from the "back" space within the mic, preferably by way of a gasket designed for the job; 2) Any potentiometer used as a volume control in the audio chain needs to be of the correct impedance for the element to function to its full potential.
For 2): Using the ever-popular CRYSTAL / CM or CR ( SHURE Controlled Magnetic or Controlled Reluctance) swap as an example, you'll need a nominal 100K pot for the CM or CR as opposed to the 1MEG (and higher) pots required for CRYSTAL elements. Shortchanging this component will sacrifice your TONE potential.
This week's Morsel: Change the element, change the gasket AND the pot...