David's Tip of the Day: Harmonica Community - Creating, Part 2

Some subjects that I write about I'm an expert... something I have taught many times in many situations... the focus is to just write it down. Other areas I write on I am not an expert, and the research I do helps to educate me AND others. You don't have to be an expert to help the harmonica community by creating something new. Get started today on a project that excites you (and doesn't take away too much practice time... I'm dead serious about this).
Here are some Ideas for you:
- Create a listing
- Catalog something
- Gather historical data on an artist or artists that interest you
- Think of a product that you would find helpful that nobody offers
- Start a local blues jam session
- Start a harmonica club in your area
Here are some examples that are out there. If you know of some others, please share them on the General part of the forum.
Artist Song Listing
Vintage Harmonica Microphone Museum
Vintage Harmonica Amplifier Museum
Vintage Harmonica Sheet Music Museum
Walter Horton's Recordings
Harmonica Industry List