David's Tip of the Day: HOHNER Photo & Video Competition

Just announced from HOHNER Harmonicas today...
You and your harmonica in the most unusual location!
You and your harmonica – that’s all we want. Be it on a backpack trip through Asia, on your vacation in the Caribbean, or in the middle of a desert. In fact, the more unusual the location is, the better!
What do you get in return? How does 1.000 Euros sound to you? That’s right: We’re giving away 1.000 Euros for the best photo and for the best video.
What are you waiting for?
All you have to do is follow the three steps below:
1. Take a picture or video on INSTAGRAM, with you playing your harmonica in the most unusual location you can think of, somewhere people wouldn’t really expect it.
2. Add the hashtag #EnjoyMusicEverywhere and tag HOHNER Music (playhohner). In the case of a video, just put @playhohner in the description.
3. Post it!
A five-person jury will screen the competition’s submissions and pick the two winners. It will consist of senior HOHNER executives and a well known photographer as well as an official HOHNER endorser.
Please note that the contest period is from June 1st to November 30th 2015.
For more details please take a look at www.enjoymusic-everywhere.com!