David's Tip of the Day: Non-Harmonica Music Instructor, Part 3 (The Conversation)

In yesterday's tip you left a message for two instructors. When there are multiple instructors to choose from it's to your advantage to meet them to find which one is the best fit for your personality, learning style and goals. Most likely you'll speak with them on the phone first, so here's how your conversation might go before the first lesson...
"Hello Jill/Joe Jazz. I've been studying the blues harmonica with David Barrett at BluesHarmonica.com. I learn by watching his lesson videos and then applying what I learn in study songs that he's written. These study songs are written in TAB, standard music notation and are recorded so that I can play along with him and eventually play with the jam tracks he provides.
Though I can send him a recording of me playing the song for critique, I sure could use some help along the way with my rhythm. Rhythm takes me the longest to dial in, so it would be great to have your expert ear to help me. Some formal rhythm training would be a great idea, as well as help with my music theory lessons... I have some mental blocks about keys and positions.
As part of my studies I also work on accompaniment playing and improvising/songwriting, so no doubt it would be great to have you accompany me and give me any tips of what I might do to make my accompaniment and soloing as musical as possible."