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David's Tip of the Day: Octave

David Barrett Admin's picture

Center your tongue and move it ever-so-slightly back (away from the harmonica) so that you're only covering two holes with your tongue. Again, focus on the convex shape of your tongue, there’s no need to use the tip of your tongue if you use a light touch.

Reminder... one of the reasons why you're having your lips surround four holes as your common tongue block embouchure is so that you can access the octave easily. If you find you have to open your mouth to achieve the octave (when moving from a single-hole tongue block technique), this means that your mouth wasn't large enough to begin with. Your goal is that when moving from a single-hole tongue block technique to an octave that your mouth should not move (check this in a mirror).

Have a great weekend everyone. See you at the CD release in Morgan Hill Saturday if you can make it!