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David's Tip of the Day: Playing Louder & Rushing

David Barrett Admin's picture

The most common rhythm error that I point out to students in their submission to me is that of rushing when playing louder. I also reassure them that they're not alone, I, and many other musicians have this issue, and that if you're aware of it, you can adjust accordingly.

Editing the latest Intermediate Student Ryan Walker lesson footage I caught myself doing exactly that... embarrassing really... but I remember thinking to myself, "No, leave it in there, I'll make note of this on a Tip of the Day and it will be a great point that even experienced artists have a tendency to do this."

So here it is... go to Ryan Walker's "Lesson 20 - Improvising Study 3: Changing Dynamics each Chorus" and listen at 1:09 where I play the pickup lick 2 3" 3 4 5+ 5-Flutter and how I rush this lick (very specifically when I play the 4 draw). Listening back to get the time code I also noticed Ryan do the same thing with his pickup at 0:54 where he plays the pickup 4 4' 3 2 6+-Octave.

So, the lesson... many players, including Ryan and I!, have the tendency to play fast (go out of time by rushing) when playing louder, and the culprit is usually the pickup leading into that loud section.