I have created flashcards to help you memorize key concepts taught in your lessons. Each level includes:
Memorization Deck
These cards help you to memorize essential music theory, your harmonica note layout, and elements relative to the blues form.
Action Deck
These cards help you to master essential scales, techniques, accompaniment playing, and soloing concepts on your harmonica. This action deck takes advantage of the benefits found with randomized practice (known as Interleaved Practice). You’ll need a harmonica handy (any key you want, though for intermediate and advanced players, changing the key monthly will improve technique across the range of harmonicas).
Tip Card Deck
These cards provide practice and performance tips, as well as quotes to keep you motivated in your journey.
General Instructions
Use these flashcards in whichever way fits your schedule best. You could use them: as a warmup to a practice session (the first 10 minutes); to break up your practice (after 20 minutes of concentrated practice, do flashcards for 5 minutes); throughout the day as you have small periods of time (using the Quizlet app on your phone make the cards portable).
I have also made quiz flashcards for each level. Use these decks to randomize your memorization work by utilizing the other study modes on Quizlet (Learn, Write, Spell, Test, Match, and Gravity). The other decks (Action Deck and Tip Deck) do not lend themselves to study modes other than flashcards.
No matter your skill level, start with the Level 1 deck of flashcards (these contain core concepts). Once mastered, or upon completion of a Levels of Achievement test, move on to the next deck level. I include some key elements in future decks, so no need to combine older decks into your study.
Quizlet Instructions
Flashcard sets are free and found on Quizlet, which can be accessed via browser (quizlet.com) or app (available for both iPhone and Android). Search for user “bluesharmonica” (you can click on Users if it doesn’t come up right away in your search). After clicking on the deck you want to work with, choose Flashcards as your form of study. If you see the answer listed first, click on Switch front and back side on the bottom, right-hand side for the browser version (in the app, click on Options, and for the card orientation, have the front set to Term). Shuffle is the best mode to work in. For the browser, click on Shuffle at left, or for the app, click on Options and select Shuffle. If you are visually impaired, you can choose Audio in the options menu.
Here’s our classroom invite link: https://quizlet.com/join/URvyP6jgT
Using this link will allow you to view the flashcards for free and without ads.