Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary to BluesHarmonica.com and its subscribers... it's been a great year. I look forward to working with you more this new year and continue providing you with fun and educational content for the site.
Your tip...
It's the players who stay the path, practicing each day without worrying how long it will take to reach "x" goal, that do the best in the long run. It's the players that enjoy the journey and understand they WILL be able to do all the things they want, but realize they can't put a time stamp on how long it will take them to develop those skill sets. Here's a great quote...
"To be patient is to have the capacity of calm endurance. To give yourself time is to actively work toward a goal without setting a limit on how long you will work.” Master Bong Soo Han [Zen in the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams, pg 16]