This week's MIC MORSEL deals with a common item that's turned-up missing from its place of duty in several recent instances: The grill screws that hold the grill to the body / shell of the JT-30 family of microphones (JT's, W's, CAD's, BLUES BLASTERS). I've come across several cases with these mics missing one or both of these machine screws. I've also seen unfortunate instances where missing screws were replaced by over-sized and over-long screws that necessitated drilling right out the front of the grill to accommodate their girth. These projecting screw ends are nobody's idea of a good time: Ugly, they add interfering bumps to the grill's front while ruining a perfectly good stock grill.
SOLUTION: Know what you're shopping for if and when you need replacements. You'll want MACHINE SCREWS, 4 X40 (that's size #4 with 40 turns of thread to the inch) that are 5/16" to 3/8" in length, with a ROUND or FILLISTER (shaped like a pill) head -as that's what the vast majority of the originals were. As for material: Brass, steel, stainless steel will all do the job. Keep 'em handy and you'll never have to gummy-up LORD MICROPHONE with tape...