Kustom 36, Peavey Prowler 45
Hi, i am wondering if anyone has used either of these amps. they are both American made...i played through both in LMS recently, and thought the Kustom quite nice...a lot nicer than my current Designed-in-Australia-made-in-China Ashton Viper 30. but in the shop of course its hard to say. it sounded nice with just the on board reverb. The peavey was in a different shop, totally different space..so the comparison is hardly fair. All the amps are single 12"combos
i currently use the Viper on stage and it just about cuts it...the Kustom i expect would not be a whole bunch louder...i thought the speaker sounded nicer, the tone richer, more rounded...i dunno how to describe tone...and i expect the Peavey would have the grunt i am looking for but it was a thinner brighter voice which didnt really thrill me...
anyway, just hoping someone may have used one or both of these and give an opinion,
Harry Verderchi,