Low -to- High - Part 5
Sat, 10/23/2010 - 12:04
Let's work the G Mixolydian Scale now, which is the scale naturally available to us in 2nd Position (this is the same as he Major Scale with a lowered 7th, F).
Low: 3+ 3" 3 4+ 4 5+ 5 6+
High: 6+ 6 7 7+ 8 8+ 9 9+
Try this lick... any rhythm...
3+ 3" 3 4 5+ 6+ = 6+ 6 7 8 8+ 9+
Notice how the 3" is replaced with the 6 draw. The six draw is a great replacement for where you would normally play a dip as well....
2 3-dip 4 = 6+ 6 7 8 (play the 6 quickly as you slide to the 7 draw)