More ear-training with spotify
Hi all,
just finished "Ear Training Study 1 - Figuring out the Key of a Song" (second time) and I think the methods presented are great ! But now, when trying to get better and faster at this, I sure need to train more, i.e. with more songs.
For this, any blues-harmonica playlist on spotify is just the right material. But after working out the key of a song by myself, I want to check, if my result is correct or not. This can be easily done with a web-service at (and probably there are others too).
To that end, I play the track on spotify and hit "share" and then "copy track link" (or similar), which saves the link for this track to my computers (or phones) clipboard. After this I simply go to and paste the copied link to the track into the input field and hit "ANALYZE". After a short delay I get the tempo, duration and (thats the important part !) the key. So I can easily compare with my own result.
Hope, that others will find that method of extended ear-training useful too !
Best regardsMarc