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Position Understanding (Lesson 4)

David Barrett Admin's picture

Let's now take a look at what we have so far...

1) First Position: A Harp - 6+ 6+ 5 5+ 4+ 4+ = Pitches: E E D C# A A = 5 blows and 1 draw

2) Second Position: D Harp - 4 4 4+ 3 2 2 = Pitches: E E D C# A A = 5 draws and 1 blow

3) Third Position: G Harp - 6 6 6+ 5 4 4 = Pitches: E E D C A A = 5 draws and 1 blow

Now take these harmonicas and their version of the melody and see what technique(s) you can add to them. For example... the 2nd Position version you can play a 4/5 shake on the first note (hold the first note of each lick for one bar... 4 beats)... you can add some 5 to the 4 for a more bluesy/dirty sound... you can play the first three pitches in octaves... etc.Experiment!