Position Understanding (Lesson 5)
Posted Wed, 08/24/2011 - 06:07 by David Barrett Admin
Let's now talk about the first note for each position...
1) 1st Position: A Harp - 6+
A) Single note
B) Slap
C) Flutter
D) Octave (3+/6+)
2) 2nd Position: D Harp - 4
A) Single note
B) Dip (start bent and release quickly)
C) Addition of 5 (bluesy/dirty)
D) Shake (4/5)
E) Slap
F) Flutter
G) Octave
3) 3rd Position: G Harp - 6
A) Single note
B) Dip
C) Addition of 7 (VERY dirty)
D) Shake (6/7 VERY dissonant, but we do use it now and again)
E) Slap
F) Flutter