This week's MIC MORSEL will serve as an extension of my entry regarding the securing of your stage case itself -with value added benefits ( but no French Fries).
Improvising with seemingly unrelated materials can pay big dividends in gear security. EXAMPLES: Perhaps you've seen plastic foam waterpipe insulation sleeves cut to length and used as harp organizers. Well, there's larger diameter stock available that can be cut to length in the same manner and used to secure and insulate your mic for travel and stage as well; Know someone who's a golfer? Even if not, there always seem to be golf club "socks" or "headcovers" for the 'woods' or 'drivers' at the Goodwill stores I haunt, and they make GREAT mic protectors -MUCH sturdier than Crown Royal bags; Know someone who's a drinker? HAH! Put you hands down... I'm looking at those neoprene foam sleeves used to insulate the bottle or can from the drinker's wielding hand. Again, great for mic protection -and all three of these examples can be glued within your gig case for greater protection during travel and greater mic security on stage. One less thing to worry about, Harpster.