SPAH, Area 51, and the Harmonica Band Reboot
Every wonder what it would be like to play blues or jug band music, or hot-club jazz with bass and chord harmonica?
Now’s your chance.
Bass and chord harmonica are usually seen in the context of Harmonicats-type material, which is great but not what every harmonica player wants to play.
Why not reboot the harmonica band to play the music that's closer to what YOU want to play? To be sure, it won’t sound like a guitar or a jazz trio or a rock band, but it’ll be different, and it’ll be fun.
At SPAH51, we’re going to organize forums for bass and chord harmonicas to jam and interact with whoever wants to participate. Details will be available at the convention, though we’ll also create an exchange in advance so that folks will have tunes in common to play.
Please let me know if you’re interested in participating.