Swing Bass Line in 2nd & 3rd Position
I'm in the process of editing the interview I conducted with Annie Raines and she played a cool ii-V-I line in 3rd Position. I thought I would share it with you...
First, here's a cool 2nd Position bass line with the standard ii-V-I progression in Bars 9 and 10 (it replaces the V-IV-I you're used to) and the I-vi-ii-V in Bars 11 and 12 (which replaces the standard I-V turnaround)... both changes being very commonplace in Jump & Swing Blues.
Play each note as a quarter note...
2 3 4 5+ 6+ 5+ 4 3, 2 3 4 5+ 6+ 5 5+ 4
4+ 2+ 2 3" 3' 3" 2 2+, 2 3 4 5+ 6+ 5+ 4 3
3" 3 4+ 4' 4 4+ 3 3", 2 5 5+ 3 3" 5+ 4 2' (resolve on 2)
And here's what Annie played in 3rd Position for the ii-V-I...
2+ 2' 2 3''' 3" 3 4+ 4' 4
Very cool! I've written the complete progression for you...
1 2' 3" 3 4 3 3" 2', 1 2' 3" 3 4+ 3 3" 2'
2 3 4 5+ 5 5+ 4 3, 1 2' 3" 3 4 3 3" 2'
2+ 2' 2 3''' 3" 3 4+ 4', 4 3' 3 2" 2+ 3 3" 1' (resolving on 1)