I just started playing a (expensive) chromatic and am cautious about regular care of the instrument. Should I tap this harp on my palm/leg routinely to clear moisture like I would with a diatonic?
Also, can I use the alcohol based mouthpiece cleaner spray like you have recommended for the diatonic?
Posted Tue, 02/07/2023 - 12:29 by Harp Tech Kinya...
Hello Harp Techs,
Recently I began unpacking my inventory of HOHNER factory replacement reeds and was pleasantly shocked to see there was a major upgrade. The reeds appeared dramatically different from those of the past--so much so I thought HOHNER had changed their recipe, possibly to Phosphor Bronze (pioneered by Suzuki). continue reading...
I know for sure that I can't play any Nickel plated harmonica mouthpiece.
But I recently start to feel that my slide on my 270 deluxe starts to peel off the chrome or whatever it is that cover the brass. And I get the same symptoms.
I'm wondering if the chrome plated of the slide, rail or blank have nickel.
Also, is there any chromatic free of nickel? Maybe cx12 but I'm not sure if the slide is brass with nickel or chrome plated ( Wich sometimes they use nickel for chrome plating). Or is the CX12 slide made of stainless steel?
I was able to find an old post on how to gap reeds for easier bending (especially the 3 draw) and it was VERY helpful. Thanks! Is there a post that can assist with gapping for overblows, or perhaps you could post or repost that info. I'm particularly interested in making it easier to do my first successful overblow on the 6 blow.
Ooops. I just saw your studies in the Tech section (I am returning to BluesHarmonica.com after being gone a good while) and I'll study them and maybe come back with any questions.
Despite opening up the harp to clean, free up any debris, and plink the reeds I've had no luck (this is pretty much the limit of my current harp tech abilities...which up until now has been just enough). This is a newish harp that has played great up until right now. Seemingly still in great shape. The Blow 1 will not sound at all if I go directly after the note. Here and there it will sound if I draw first and then blow (not every time).
I treated myself to an ultrasonic cleaning machine for christmas. I have just dismantled my 270 deluxe and put the parts into the ultrasonic machine only to discove that most of the windsavers are now detatched and or moved. Also, when I dismantled the 270 there are a few bits that I have no idea where they came from.
Posted Fri, 11/25/2022 - 16:51 by Harp Tech Kinya...
Hello Harp Techs, are you tired of losing those pesky little screws?
Why it Matters | Probably the top complaint I hear from Harp Techs is the frustration of having small “bits and pieces” slip through their fingers, bounce off the hard work surface, then disappear into the darkness. What an amazing waste of time! continue reading...
I was given A Hohner 64 Chromatica. The comb is a plastic, maybe bakelite. The comb is broken where the screw holding the slide enters the trapped nut (both sides) The reed plates are attached to the comb with nails that go through both reed plates. I want to change the comb. How do I get those nails out without ruining the reed plates? How do I attach the reed plates to the new plastic comb?