Thanks! - Playing with other Series
I didn't mention this before... but when first coming on stage, if the stage isn't too crazy, shake each player's hand to introduce yourself... say your full name and await to hear theirs back... try to remember their names (write their names down after you get off the bandstand as well so you can say hello to them by name next time). After your time is done on the bandstand shake everyone's hand again and thank them by name. If you make a habit of doing this you'll start to find that after a while the band members start to remember your name and when there's a lull in the jam they're more likely to say, "let's call bob again to do something before we go to break." As a bandleader I'm more likely to call someone back up if their name is at the tip of my tongue. I'm also more apt to calling someone up again if I know they can handle the band... especially if I need to use the restroom or get a beer!... so study
Performance Training: Beginnings, Breaks & Endings