These lessons help with other instruments
Everybody will have diffrent motives for learning the Harmonica. Some of mine are: it will always be with me ready to play in the car (while stopped), help me develop my ear and understand chords. I have played clarinet and sax off and on for 50+ years and sometimes got paid but I am a slave to sheet music and not satisifed with my solos. Attempting to learn guitar, keys to force me to learn and understand chords so I can do "head arrangments". Tried doing scales and chords but it never sunk in as I was more concerned about reading sheet music and playing in the band. Don't get me wrong, I have had a great time but I want to get to the next level like some that I play with.
Three of the four bands I am in are on pause due to Covid and while working on tone and single notes on the Harmonica I must confesed I watched most everything up to Level 8 to see where all of this is going. While blowing longtones on my clarinet I finialy realised that moving my tongue around changed the pitch and tone just like it does on the harp. I have started to understand how to sound bluesy on a guitar and keys. I want to be able to accompny myself at some point. Some should not skip ahead as it will demoralize them when they start to undestand how long it will take to learn an insturment. I have learned that if you try to learn using youtube you skip around too much and never develop all skills needed. If you don't take lessons you end up like me. Don't be that guy. Dave managed to answer all my questions in one lesson or the other at diffrent levels. Thanks David for sharing your talent.