What's New: Congratulations to the following Global Blues Harmonica Summit improvising video giveaway winners!

Congratulations to the following Global Blues Harmonica Summit improvising video giveaway winners! Paul Arrighi (Hohner CX-12 Chromatic Harmonica); Tina Wisecarver (6-Month Subscription to tomlinharmonicalessons.com); Eli Ariel (6 Month Live Online Recorded Class Membership with Ronnie Shellist); Kamyar Bayat (Hohner Crossover Set: G, A, Bb, C and D); Marc Graci ($75 digital download from Modern Blues Harmonica); Justin Norton (Hohner Special 20 Set: G, A, Bb, C and D); and Daniel Vilaplana (6-Month Subscription at BluesHarmonica.com). Thanks to Hohner Harmonicas for sponsoring this giveaway. If you would like to learn more about attending the summit on the 12th of this month, visit https://www.facebook.com/gbhs2017