OK, it's been brought to my attention that microphone CABLES are more likely to spend time on the beer-soaked floors of honky-tonks than are those carefully cared for harpmics. So true!
Let's consider ways of getting the goo off of these indispensable electro-hoses, shall we? But first, a preemptive suggestion: Don't wrap cables and connectors with DUCT, GAFFER'S, or ELECTRICAL TAPE! If your gear works and fits together properly, these slime-producing membranes should not be necessary. IF you do need to remove tape adhesive from cables, connectors, or mics try either an orange or citrus-based cleaner -or a magical cleaning fluid called "GOO-GONE". Yeah, the name alone's worth the price of admission. STAY AWAY from solvent-type cleaners (GOOF-OFF for instance) as they can severely damage YOU and screw-up delicate plastic parts and painted finishes (Xylene is not your mic's friend). On to the cables... Assuming your cable's been de-slimed, try spraying a bit of household furniture polish (PLEDGE, BEHOLD I prefer the lemon-charged stuff) into a terrycloth rag, lay the cable through the rag in one hand and pull it through with your other hand. You'll be astounded by the junk this method strips off the cable's rubber jacket. WARNING: Don't use a washcloth that you expect to return to human usage. You'll never get it clean again). You'll likely find a secondary benefit of this process is that it will make your cables much easier to wind -and more resistant to repeat soiling!
What's that? Tweed and fabric cables? Coming-up, I done run out of "MORSEL" -Fritz