10th hole issues
Hi ! Let me just put my issue in perspective. I've been playing a coupla years, have practiced lots. I play mostly tongue blocked apart from the 8, 9 and 10. Im really getting a handle on important techniques so that I'm beginning to be able to reproduce what I've been listening to. Also getting quite adept at gapping, as I find that quite a few of the marine bands I get need the gap reducing, so I think I'm doing ok in general. Anyway I figured I needed to be used to playing all ten holes and moving smoothly all over the harp, so I've been practicing scales that cover all the octaves, like the major scale for example. so here's my issue ,and it's probably technique but I'm having a hard time getting a decent sound on the ten hole. I can get the half step ok ish, it's mainly the draw that just whistles or squeaks but on some harps it's the blow also. I haven't tried any reed adjustments yet as it's probably my lack of skill. Anyone else had this problem? Any help appreciated. Thanks Tom
Before trying to gap those finicky, tiny Hole 10 reeds, first try some technique-based investigations. I suspect that you may be bending the draw note - which doesn't want to bend. When I say bending, what I really mean is that you're tuning your mouth to a note that's lower than the Draw 10 note, which can't really respond and comply, so it squeals instead.
Try these moves. When you do them, aim for the open yawning-throat. Listen to the sound of your inhaled breath without the harp. Hear anything? Try to make your breathing gentle and silent with your tongue relaxed and your throat wide open.
- Try playing a chord of 8, 9, and 10 draw. Do all the notes sound readily? If they do, then monitor what your tongue and throat are doing when you play Draw 10.
- Also try approaching Draw 10 from the neighboring draw notes by playing Draw 8, then 9, then 10, on a single, gentle breath.
- if that's succesful, next try going from Draw 10 to Blow 10 and back again.
- Finally, try going from Blow 10 to bent Blow 10 to Draw 10. If the preceding moves work and this one stalls, pay attention to releasing the bend and going back to relaxed tongue and throat coming off the blow bend and going into Draw 10.
You're welcome.
Oh, just thought I'd add that I've been practicing this in lower key harps A @ G as it's easier to bend the higher notes :)