1 draw sounds .... funky
So I've been working on the study song #1 for about a month now. Things are going pretty good, however, when I hit my 1 draw I'm getting kind of this metal on metal clanking sound. Is this an indicator that the reed is bad or going bad? I'm aware enough of the troubles on 1, 2, 3 draws to know that most of the time 'its not the harmonica' but this seems different.
Play it softly then. When you have the time to dig into the HarpTech lessons you can open up the harp and adjust it so that it's less prone to this.
99% of the time it's the player jkendall. Try playing a chord (holes 1, 2 and 3) softly and see if you hear the same rattle. If you do, then it is the harmonica and you've been vindicated :-)