2 Amps?
Fri, 08/07/2015 - 19:14
Hey Guys,
I'm playing with a loud band and am having trouble getting the volume I need. I'm playing thruogh a Bassman but I also have a VHT SP 6. Do you recommend trying 2 amps and if so what's the best way to go about it. I had a line-out put in the VHT so that might be helpful but I'm not the least bit savy with electronics so I would really appreciate some advice.
Evening Tom.
Setup the bassman behind you, as far back as it will go (the farther back the amp is, the better you'll hear it... the bassman takes space to develop its sound... if you're too close, you won't get much of your volume). Sit it on one milk crate to get it higher off the stage, again to hear yourself better.
If this doesn't fix it, then yes, try two amps.
Set up the bassman the same as I described, but now run an instrument cable from your Input 2 of your Bassman to the Input of you VHT. Have the VHT in front of you, on the floor and tilted back so that it faces up at you like a monitor. Turn the amp on and dial in the volume between that amp and the bassman for desired volume.
Let me know how it goes, but remember to just try the bassman setup like I suggested first, this fixes it for most people.