2 Note Dips..
I carefully followed your breakdown on a 3 draw dip in Temperature. You said it should be SLIGHTLY FLAT...i caught your 3 draw dip going from G to G#...later you started going down to F# to G#. Is it OK to just go to the G...and work on getting the F# later.... F# sounds better i know.
on the 2 note combinations..ex..3/4..do you dip both at the same time? or start on the 3 and bleed the 4? My tuner shows no notes when i do either so its hard to know what is right.
Thank you... I am now getting those notes to sound on 3 draw..G..F#.. and F.
Sure... dips can be very slight... from a quartertone to as deep as you want them... it's a feel thing. So yes, G to G# is fine.
For two note combinations it's your choice... I think both sound real nice.