2 questions
Hi David;
1. You demonstrated going from the input 2 of the '68 Princeton to the Laney Cub, IIRC. Is that something possible with all 2 input amps? If so, that is something I never knew!
2. In "Walk With Me" chorus 4, there is a tilde or a short throat tremolo sign, (i.e. 1 "wave"), between 3 and 4 in bars 1,2, and 3, and in chorus 6 between 6+ and 5+, and 4 and 5+ in bar 4. I probably missed along the way what the symbol signifies. Could you please clarify?
Thank you
Hello mainmark. It doesn't matter... you choose which one you like. I like the HI input, with tone on 3, volume on 6, and gain on 3.
Hello mainmark. Answers below...
1) Yes, you can. It can change the sound of your mic sometimes (sometimes input 2 has a pad on it [which reduces the input volume]), so try it at home before hitting the stage to make sure you're okay with the sound (if it does have a pad).
2) You're correct, it's a very short tremolo