2 vs 3+
just curious if there were any rules of thumb when deciding between the 2 draw vs the 3+ hole. Obviously not talking about when bending the 2 is involved.
After that it seems the main difference would be the chordal backdrop of the slap. But like in "Gary's Blues", it seems it would fit better if it started with a 2 draw slap. Then maybe switch to the 3+ slap on the IV chord. Then use the 2 draw instead for ALL the 3+ slaps AND pulls at the beginning of the second verse, and so on. Unless you're deliberately trying to overlay the IV during the I.
Is it just better because it gives more texture when there are 3 notes in the pull/slap instead of 2, and it doesn't really matter what the notes actually are because they are so incidental? Or is this deliberate use of IV notes for depth very common? In verse two you are basically just slamming down the IV during the first 4 bars of the verse, just in a barely perceptible way. I mean, it certainly sounds great when you play it haha, I'm just not sure on all this, and I'm trying to figure it out.
Lastly, if you're not bending or slapping or pulling, it seems it would just come down to comfort. To what extent is it arbitrary at this point?
thanks David! sorry for the long question
Hello adiaco.
In regards to slaps and pulls, "Is it just better because it gives more texture when there are 3 notes in the pull/slap instead of 2, and it doesn't really matter what the notes actually are because they are so incidental" yes, you got it!
No rules of thumb, just your preference. Generally, when you're going to play 2' or 2" after it, the 2 is chosen, though there are plenty of times we play a 3+ and then jump into a 2 bend, it's just easier for newer players to go from a 2. Breathing is a big thing... choose which helps to balance your breath. Choose which one makes a lick easier to play (such as 2 4+ 2 3 2 is more easily played, and sounds smoother, as 2 4+ 3+ 3 2). Lastly, beginning players will play 3+, 2 is very hard for new players to play. After one gets better at the 2, it's just comfort, breathing, and efficiency of playing the lick.