3 draw on D harmonica
David --
So life has finally cleared a bit for me to return to practicing harmonica more diligently. So that I can drive hands-free, I actually bought a harmonica holder. Hopefully, it will help me to stay on track.
My question for you as to do with shading the 3 draw on the D harmonica. While I've got the 1, 2, 4, and 6 draws down, I can't seem to control the bend of the 3. I can either do a unbent draw and hit C# or I go all the way to A# when bending. Any tricks you might have to help me hit C and B?
PS -- These LOA lessons increase in time and effort exponentially, eh? I think I'm close to being able to lay down "The Strut" (problems with the 3 draw notwithdstanding) and, soon, "Gary's Blues."
I'm happy to help save the lives of fellow harmonica players :-)
Hello Erik. I'm glad you're back to consistant practice, I'm sure it feels good.
I don't recommend you use a rack while driving. I have a student who does accident claims and he says you don't want anything in front of your face. In the unfortunate event of an accident (or someone simply taps your bumper) your airbag will send whatever is in front of your face into your skull. If you're holding the harmonica you'll most likely drop it and put your hands on your wheel reflexively, making this not an issue. Just something to think about.
In regards to your 3 draw bend...
The reason why you have no control of your middle bends is that you're humping the back of your tongue (which is responsible for the deeper bends). Focus on using more of the front of your tongue, further forward in your mouth for your 3' and more of the middle of your tongue, in the middle of your mouth for your 3''. Experiment, this will take time and patience.
For a lesson on this watch "My 3 draw goes right to the bottom (can’t get the whole step bend)!" on this page http://www.bluesharmonica.com/faq
Great to hear your progress on L4... yes, L4 is a big, but important and exciting step!