3 draw reed problems
Hi Kinya, My 3 draw basically won't sound, at what sound it does make sounds like a dying cow. i've moved it in and out of the slot and that seems to be fine, i've also plinked it a bunch of times and that seems to be fine, but when I actually play the note it sounds like there might be something stuck on the reed but I don't see any thing when looking at the reed plate. Any help would be greatly appreciate.
Hi Grant,
So, let's see ... 3 hole draw on an A harmonica would be G# (Ab). What did your tuner indicate when you pucker drawed the 3 hole?
Can you remove the cover plate and send me a close up photo of the 3 reed (I'm looking for the gap on the free end of the reed).
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Yeah ... I hear you. Even the Harpsmith struggles with the photo utility on this site ;0(
I'll attempt to provide you with "how to" processes shortly.
BTW, do you have a PC or Apple product? Do you have a camera on your smart phone?
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
First, place your photos in an easy to locate location, such as your DESKTOP, then select the TREE icon (left of the initials, HTML)
This window will pop up after selecting the TREE icon. To the far right of the IMAGE URL box is an icon that you will select to locate the photos you wish to insert.
Select UPLOAD (located in upper left box)
Select CHOOSE FILE (locate photo you want from DESKTOP), then select UPLOAD
The name of your file will appear in the box (next to “Choose File”), then select “UPLOAD
Viola! Your photo will magically appear on your forum page.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Hi Grant. Good job with the photo.
Yes, you're correct. The gap is excessive.
Have you viewed Harp Tech Studies #4 yet? Here I demonstrate numerous methods to "dial" in the reed gap to you particular style of playing.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Oh, one last thing ... keep in mind, that when you alter the gap of one reed (within the slot), it will effect the opposite reed. In your case, when you lower the 3 draw, you may have to adjust the 3 blow as well ;o)
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
I'm having the exact same issue in 3 draw a Crossover in G. I also have hard draws also in 2 and 4 but I can at least get them to sound the note, so I think the 2 and 4 are just gap adjustment issues.
For the 3 draw, I've tried adjusting the gap, and plinking it, and running a piece of paper under the reed to dislodge anything that might be stuck. Still no improvement. Doesn't matter if I try to get it to sound with a pucker, tongue block, or even finger blocking just to test it out. When I plink it, it rings out clearly.
My 2 and 4 draws aren't the most responsive but I think that's just a gap adjustment. The rest of the draw and blow reeds are very rich and immediate.
Any insight is appreciated. Can you also post a link to the main page for the Tech studies? I can't seem to find them
Here's a video of me testing the blows and draws on 1-4. The 2 and 4 sound better when I'm actually tongue blocking and not using my fingers, but that 3 is nasty no matter what: https://vimeo.com/151173803 (the password is "bluesharmonica")
Hi Chris, based on the photos and audio clip--I agree with you about gapping.
- lower the 2 draw--plink, then test by playing. Better, my not good enough--try lowering a little more
- next lower the 2 blow--plink ...
- repeat the processes to your 3 and 4 draw/blow reeds
HARP TECH SECRET: many second position harmonica players rely on their 2 draw (G) as the root note (home base), rather than 3 blow (also G). If this is you, go ahead and lower the gap on the 3 blow. This will allow the 3 blow reed to do a little more heavy lifting during the 3 draw bending processes (Bb, A, Ab). Be prepared to be impressed!
Reed profiling is hugely important. Each reed must swing in/out of their reed plate slots evenly. If the tip, or middle of the reed dives in first, you will compromise the responsiveness of your instrument. Most people will use as a guiding image, a swinging door, hinged onto it's door frame.
Please refer to: Harp Tech Study #4, Reed Gapping - Level 2: Using Light Box to Adjust How Reeds Enter the Slot
I will ask webmaster Andy Harl, if we can make it easier to access all seven Harp Tech Series. For now:
- When viewing the Forum section,
- Look to your left index, and select "New Equipment"
- Then select, "view all equipment"
- Here you will see an ala carte menu of cool stuff to binge on
- Scroll all the way down, and viola! Harp Tech Series for your viewing pleasure.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Thank you for the response, Kinya
I will try adjusting those gaps like you say. Just to clarify, when you say to "lower the 2 draw," do you mean to increase the gap or to decrease it? Holding the harp upside-down to see the draw reeds can cause some confusion as to which way is "lower"
Same question for the blow reeds: lower = smaller gap?
thanks, chris
Hi Chris
Lower always means setting the tip of the (free) reed closer to the reed plate--regardless of draw or blow. With the reed plates removed from the comb, it will be clear to you.
In the Harp Tech Study series (and this forum) I often referred to easy-to-find, and inexpensive "feeler gauges" tool. These are useful for finding the perfect gap, then documenting your settings relative to the feeler guage that fits inbetween the underneath of the reed tip and top of the reed plate. For example; .005" gap for the 4 blow reed.
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Greetings and thans for the insights. I have simmilar problems with 6 draw on Suzuki Folk Master in C. It should be A5, afaik. Harmonica is tuned to +11.5 cents.(Cheap one I bought on vacation because of simmilar problem with Hohner %))
At first it did not sound at all, when I opened the plate I noticed that reed is basically stuck. After unstucking it 6 draw now givews me A# -20 cents. Does this mean that I need to make the gap smaller?
I will attach photo soon if it's reuired.
Hello Happy Cat, good to hear from you.
Just to clarify, is this a playability (response) or tuning issue?
If playability, the gap tolerances on 6 blow and 6 draw are fairly low--particulary for you overblow players.
If tuning--with your chromatic tuner calibrated @ 442Hz--the 6 draw should be in the range of +3 cents
Your Harpsmith, Kinya
Hi Grant, good to hear from you. I'm sorry you are having troubles with your third cow ;o)
What make, model, key harmonica are you playing? It sounds like a fractured reed to me, but let's
Try this:
Let us know what you find, then we can go to the next step ...
Your Harpsmith, Kinya