3 hole whole step draw
Fri, 01/04/2019 - 13:24
HI David,
I'm trying to figure out why my 3 hole whole step draw has such a bad sound. I can hit the pitch correctly but the tone sounds choked and weak.
Wed, 01/30/2019 - 07:41
Hello vid wes. Exactly, you
Hello vid wes. Exactly, you don't need to worry about this, it will get better over time as your overall harmonica skills improve. You have the bend, so the general mechanics are there, good tone will come with time.
Hello vid wes. It's probably because it is choked. Work on finding the bend with very little tension with your tongue (and no tension anywhere in your mouth). If it doesn't bend, you're in the wrong spot for the tongue. Experiment, experiment, experiment... that's the name of the game. Try using more of the middle of the tongue, further forward in your mouth. Try using more of the back of your tongue, further back in your mouth. Some combination will yield a better-sounding bend.