ABC Chorus Form
Sat, 07/02/2016 - 09:11
Good Evening David,
Just wondering, is there any reason you don't go through the ABC chorus form when applying licks from the study songs. If we do have to, have you any tips that we should follow. To present, I have only applied licks to the chorus forms as specified in the section Improvising, Applying the chorus forms.
Many Thanks for your help,
Mon, 07/04/2016 - 06:16
Good morning Paul. It's
Good morning Paul. It's Improvising Study 1, specifically "Homework Assignment #2, Part 2." I may have mentioned it earlier in the lesson as well.
Hello Paul. ABC is the Anti-Chorus Form :-) No repetition (no repeat of A), means it's not a Chorus Form. It's still a valid way to play, especially in the climax of a song, but you don't want to use it very much for all the reasons I lay out in the improvising lessons.