Accomp Sudy
Fri, 07/01/2022 - 14:56
Im on the Level 3 Accompniment study playing each of the 6 holes
along with a jam track, and I think I got it down right on holes
1 Thru 4, but real confused about holes 5 and 6.
any Suggestions?
Hello allanb116.
Sure, I can help.
Hole 5 has two notes... E and F.
The I Chord is G B D, so no note of the I Chord is available. Move down to 4 draw for the I Chord (5th of the chord).
The IV Chord is C E G, so 5+ works (3rd).
The V Chord is D F# A, so no note of the V Chord is available. Move down to 4 draw (root) or up to the 6 draw (5th).
Make sense?