Accompaniament study 7
Mon, 10/10/2016 - 10:33
Hi David,
I've just started looking at Accompaniament study 7 (Ex 1.1 - 1.3 and 2.1 - 2.5) but I don't understand where you would use these examples in accompaniament playing. For example, are base lines used throughout the song or just in certain parts of the song.
Many thanks,
Hey Paul. Some bass lines can be used the entire song (I'll mention which ones in the video), where others are great for use when backing another harp player, and many of them are killer for using when soloing of the V-IV-I area. Bass lines are also used a lot to start the song... you take the I (one chord) and the band meets you on the IV. Once you've played 12 bars you're off and soloing.