Accompanied study 2
Sun, 06/19/2022 - 04:46
hello, I am confused in regards to the harmonica key. You mention trough the segment that when talking music thepry or accompatient music, we use a C harmonica. And provide the proper keys, example, 1 blow is C and G being 4 being 4blow. but in the pdf as well as in the video for the long held notes you say to use A harmonica. That changes the whole key positions. Right?
Tue, 06/21/2022 - 12:11
That's exactly what i was
That's exactly what i was fixin to ask u about
Hello leonidas4545.
Everything stays relatively the same.
For example...
Playing a C Harmonica in 2nd Position places you and the band in the key of G. 2 Draw is G, and the root note of the I Chord (one chord). That is the note that will match the I Chord the most (this is the chord that the blues progression starts with).
Playing an A Harmonica in 2nd Position places you and the band in the key of E. 2 Draw is E, the root note of the I Chord.
Both examples... all examples... have the root note on the 2 draw. So... to know one harmonica is to know all harmonicas.