Accompaniment Playing Study 5
Tue, 07/28/2015 - 16:14
Good evening David,
For the LOA 5 test playing one chorus per hole on the 9 hole we have an F# and the only way to get there is a half step blow bend. is this one optional like the 10'+B? Im thinking you want it cause its written in.
Tue, 07/28/2015 - 20:45
The practice is to get your
The practice is to get your embouchure as small as possible in the front. And... practice, practice, practice. It would be nice to stay in one embouchure, but it's not uncommon for players to switch to a pucker on the upper blow bends... your choice.
If you can play it, go for it. If you can't, leave it out... your choice. If you leave it out, go up to 10 or down to 8.