Air problems
Hello! I started following your lesson a couple weeks ago, and I just love it, I'm learning a lot with you. The problem I have is about the breathing and air. I usually run ou of breath easily on draws, and I'm conscious I have a nose leak specially on lower notes, but I don't know how to fix it. In fact, when I play 1 draw or blow I need to open my nose to make it actually sound better, but that makes me overfill with air. How can I fix it?
Another thing I noticed is that when I play and I close my nose with one hand, the sound of my notes are actually much better and powerful, what can I do to sound the same way without having to manually close my nose?
Hello fr0zenmoon. Give it time, it will take practice to apply what I teach you in that video in regards to how to close/control your nose.
This is a common challenge for new players, so you're not alone. Watch the video titled, "I run out of breath so easily!" on this page