Aki Kumar
Thu, 04/29/2021 - 23:22
Aki Kumar interviewed in Blues Blast online magazine. He's featured on the cover with a long interview, praising David Barrett in the interview too. Check it out!
Not only a great interview, but tomorrow evening (May 1st), 5:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, Aki is producing a free on-line show to salute Little Walter's birthday, featuring not only himself, but also the elusive Gary Smith, and the never-elusive Mark Hummel. Backed up by all-stars like Rusty Zinn, June Core, and Bob Welsh. (Free, but if circumstances allow you, don't be shy about contributing to any on-line tip jars that get promoted during the show.) Info on Aki's show page, https://akikumar.com/shows. Aki has been busy making pandemic quarantine time look almost fun!