Amazing Slow Downer
Would the capabilities of Amazing Slow Downer serve me well enough for managing and creating MP-3s for lesson submissions, or do I really need to also have a program such as Cakewalk as well? Thanks
Give "Best Practice" a try instead of the slow downer. Works well for me..... and it is freeware. Also try "My MP3" for recording, also freeware.
Thanks for the suggestions! Here are the sites I found them on:
Best Practice
My MP3
Although I'm on a Mac and use Garage Band, the program that a lot of the PC guys use is Audacity and they swear by it. Its a free download too!! I've downloaded the Mac version just to see what it is like. Fairly straight forward and lots of things to play with - like effects etc. Might be worth looking into while you are on the search trail.
I have not seen a function on the Amazing Slowdowner that records. There are also various handheld devices, iPhone and Digital Voice Recorders for example, will also do the job fine, you don't have to record on your computer. You can simply play the background music over your stereo system and record next to the digital voice recorder and load it into your computer... many ways to go about it....