I'm not clear about when to articulate with a 'k' and when to cough - 'k' on the draw and cough on the blow? What about faster sequences of notes - do you still articulate in the same way?
Hi David,
I've been playing for 3 years, most of which using the pucker method and learning from your books. this site is amazing btw. I hear your articulations when you play and they seem so much cleaner and crisper than what I can produce tongue blocking. do you have any other tips on this that could help.
When I compare articulations that I can achieve using the pucker method they are so much cleaner.
I was thinking that maybe a very short pull might be what you use.
What's your trick.
Welcome to the site Mike. It took me a while to get my TB articulations to be crisp. I practiced with my KA articulation over and over, working on getting it as sharp as my pucker... it took a couple of months. I found it to be important to arch my tongue (in that KA spot) as pointed as possible... articulating and getting the heck out of dodge for good tone.
You are correct on the usage. For faster passages we use those articulations as well.