Beginner Harmonica need to breaking in?
Fri, 04/06/2018 - 01:00
Dear David,
i hope you are well.
i am a beginner and bought some harps online.
Sone of them play very well right out of the box, some feel not very airtight and some feel to have stiff reeds. How do I know of they are defect or just need to be broken in and how do I break in a new harp and how long does it need? Or should I just send it back to the seller for replacement? Thank you so much! Best regards, Erin André
Hello Erin. If they were all in the same key, then you'll be able to judge how well they play. If they are in different keys (which is my guess), then that's the nature of different keys. It will take you time to develop the skill to play each key of harmonica (they all require some change in your embouchure).
In regards to the general question of breaking in a harmonica... harmonicas don't need to be broken in. If you get a new harmonica (of the same key... in other words, you know what it's supposed to play/feel like), then return the harmonica, if they allow it (most stores have non-return policies for mouth instruments). If they don't allow returns, then learning how to gap harmonicas (see Equipment lessons) is a good idea.