Bending giving ME the Blues
For as much time as I have spent on 3 Hole draw bends .... it seems to me that my time has not been very productive. I thought I was getting somewhere but when I listen to what it is suppossed to sound like...Wow...not even close. 3 half and whole steps are elusive and to just got to that note from somewhere else takes too long for me. I can start on 3 natural and draw in down to a whole step but not just go there and hit it. Especially when it has to be done in all the different Keys.
Where can I got to escape for awhile? I have been at it for a year at least.
I have completed THE STRUT and GARY BLUES...
3rd Position Lessons?
Good idea... take a little vacation! Solo Harmonica Study is a lot of fun and yes, 3rd Position Study 1 is a great idea.