Bending squeaks
So I feel so close to being able to control my bends. I can get a half step most of the time but when I try to go to the "Ku" on draw 3 it squeaks. Even does it sometimes on the half-step bend too. I get little hints of a low note, but when it starts to squeak I back off because I'm worried I'll break or mess with the reeds. I'm also trying hard to stay relaxed because I also feel like I was sucking in too much in the past like trying to drink a thick milkshake. Will either of these cause damage and any suggestions you have for getting the low 3? What's happening when it squeaks?
The good news is that you're having a bending-related effect, just not the one you're looking for.
Reeds squeak when they can't dissipate energy any other way. If you tune your mouth to a note outside a reed's bending range, for instance, it will squeak because it can't sound that note.
The solution is not to breathe harder or softer (within reason) but to re-tune your mouth. Slide your K-spot back or forward a bit, and if you're tongue blocking, also check out how much of your tongue between the tip and the K-spot is close to the roof of your mouth and try changing not only the amount but the location (farther forward for high bends, farther back for lower ones).
By doing those explorations you may start tofind the effective oral cavity shape to effect the bend.