bending tongue blocking
Hi everyone,
i m new on the forum so maybe this question has already been asked.
I m practicing my first bending lesson(feeling the blues) and i m kind of able to get my bend lip pursing on an A harmonica but because i learned from the beginning as tongue blocker i really can't get a bend in this way. I basically can't keep pushing my tongue on the note and in the same time change the shape of my tongue to get the bend.
I m kind of desperate i watched lots of videos but nothing! if someone can help me would be great : )
Thank you
Hello Elio.
Your tongue already inhabits the entire length of your mouth... from the tip (on the harmonica), to the top of your neck. The movement is not back, but up (raising the tongue).
For the SHE, you're raising the front of your tongue in the front of your mouth. For the KEY, you're raising the middle of your tongue in the middle of your mouth. For the KOO, you're raising the back of your tongue in the back of your mouth.
The higher bends (6 draw for example), are controlled in the front of your mouth, with the front of your tongue. The lower bends (2 draw for example), are controlled in the back of your mouth, with the back of your tongue.
Lastly, it's all about experimenting over time. You WILL get it, you just don't know when.
Hello Elio. Keep at it, you WILL get it, it will just take time and experimenting. Focus on the SHE-KEY-KOO exercise I present in the bending lesson. The key is to not move your tongue back, or distort the shape of the tongue, but experiment with what part of your tongue humps up.