Bending tongue position LOA3
Hi. I am having trouble getting to LOA3 badge. I have the other parts sort of under my belt but the solo piece is really challenging. I know there is a lot of trial and error in learning the bend but I am not entirely sure I am starting from the best start position in my trials and errors. So far in the LOA series I have been tongue blocking with the side of my tongue, or the middle line between top and bottom. But for the best position to learn bending should be it be more top side, bottom side, or middle?
Hello Dave Blue. Yes, generally speaking it's best to use more of the top of the tongue, with your tongue angled slightly to the left to block the left-most holes (about a 1 o'clock angle).
Take a look at the Blues Harmonica Fundamentals lesson, specifically the video "Playing Single Notes (Tongue Blocking)" and Tongue Blocking Study 1 - Single Notes "Single Note Review - Tongue Blocking Study 1 Technique" for a review of the technique.