Bending troubles
Fri, 04/08/2022 - 12:30
I bought a special 20 about 2 weeks ago and since I can play single notes just fine, I started trying to bend. I can get the 4 draw almost down to Db, but the lower I get, the weaker and more distorted the sound gets, and eventually it stops playing completely (it sounds really bad and weak). I'm wondering if it is normal for the clearness of the sound to go away while exploring bending as a beginner?
Thanks, David!
Hello Vitha. It sounds like you’re more choking off the air, then tuning your mouth for the bend. Experiment with different locations of humping your tongue in your mouth to achieve the bend you’re looking for.
With that said, I don’t recommend you learn how to bend yet. Bending doesn’t happen until level 3 in your studies. It’s important to develop good tone first… bending can take you in the wrong direction if learned too early.