blocking of nose for better tone
Mon, 08/09/2021 - 06:41
any tips on achieving clear tone ? i have noticed if I close my nose [squeze] my tone is clearer but i have no idea how to play and block my nose.
Mon, 08/09/2021 - 22:54
Closing your nasal passages internally
Can you blow up a balloon? If you can, you're sealing off your nasal passages.
I explain it in this video from my book Harmonica For Dummies, Second Edition:
Rc2253: Have you taken a look at David's video entitled "I run out of breath so easily!" via the FAQ drop-down menu on the site? He talks about this about halfway through that video. Also, I don't know if I've seen it on Joe Filisko's website, or at one or more on-line workshops he's given, but he also talks about the importance of - and techniques for - reducing nasal air flow when it will be a benefit. Personally, I find that I have better control over bends when I do a better job of reducing nasal air intake. E.g., the less air coming in through the nose, the more it's concentrated on coming in through the harmonica, and thus the more it can be controlled. Our mouths, tongues, nasal passages, throats and food and air tubes are all connected together in such a complicated way that if anyone ever wrote a user's manual for it, it would be even longer and less intelligle than the wiring diagram for a vintage British sports car I once owned. Just another part of using a lot of practice, and a lot of mistakes, to gradually get better and better at the parts of harmonica playing that no one can see, but sure can hear! Enjoy the wonderful challenge of this part of learning.