Posted Wed, 10/16/2013 - 07:38 by David Barrett Admin
3' (3 draw half step bend) is an important note for blues harmonica players, and can be difficult to control for new players to bending. The common error is in thinking that the 3 bend is a deep bend and requires more use of the back of the tongue, in the back of the mouth. This is accurate for the deeper 3 draw bends (3" and 3'''), but not for the 3'. continue reading...
Posted Fri, 10/11/2013 - 08:32 by David Barrett Admin
Every now and again a new student comes in for their lesson with their harps hermetically sealed in a zip-lock bag or water-tight case. Note that all harmonica cases from the factory are built with venting or contain a material that will absorb moisture. Get rid of the zip-lock bags and if you use a water-tight case, use the desiccant packets your normally discard from packaging of new items you purchase (changing them out as new packets come your way).