Posted Sat, 07/23/2011 - 07:13 by David Barrett Admin
Gary Smith continues his insight into songwriting with his blues harmonica instrumental "Minor Mambo," recorded live at Moe's Alley in Santa Cruz California for the Mark Hummel Blues Harmonica Blowout 2xCD set. Note that this is the song taught in his Artist Study lesson... a killer song!!!
Posted Sat, 07/23/2011 - 07:04 by David Barrett Admin
Now play a lick that starts on 2 draw... your root note of the I7 Chord. Play it a couple times until you feel comfortable with this lick. Write the lick down. Reference[All%20Keys]_1.pdf and move the lick up one octave... hole for hole... note for note. Experiment with the new lick and learn how to play it as well as you did the lower octave version. You did a basic theory concept called octave substitution.
Posted Fri, 07/22/2011 - 05:43 by David Barrett Admin
Today's tip of the day comes from student Eddy, "Far be it from me to contradict you but my viewpoint is that the software program with the same title is more pleasant to use. I bought both and the content is exactly the same. You haven't to choose between Mac and Windows, the cd-rom works for both. There are two ISBN on the box. Here are they: ISBN-10 : 0-7390-6861-X and ISBN-13 : 978-0-7390-6861-8. Hope that can help." Thanks Eddy, this looks like a great option.
Posted Thu, 07/21/2011 - 06:13 by David Barrett Admin
Those of you interested in learning more about general music theory... such as reading music, learning about intervals, key signatures and timing... I highly recommend you work through the bookx2cd set Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory Complete.