Posted Mon, 12/22/2014 - 08:52 by David Barrett Admin
I like using a pen when transcribing... the idea that it’s permanent causes me to take my time and confirm that what I'm hearing is correct before penning it to paper.
Posted Thu, 11/13/2014 - 07:30 by David Barrett Admin
Comb material does not affect the the sound of your harmonica (assuming the comb is flat, making an even mating surface for the reed plate to the comb), but it does affect the feel. Choices are commonly plastic/resin, wood and metal. The issue of wood combs swelling is less of an issue these days. The most notorious in the past being the Hohner Marine Band, but they're now triple-sealed. What you'll notice the most is the hole spacing, beveling of the edge and every now and again the height (thickness). The new Hohner Rocker has noticeably larger holes than the Hohner Special 20. continue reading...